Pressurized vs Non-Pressurized Portafilter Baskets

non-pressurized portafilter baskets

What is a filter basket? A filter basket is a small perforated container that holds coffee grounds and sits inside a portafilter. The tiny holes in the basket filter the coffee as it drips through. Filter baskets are made from stainless steel.

The filter basket is what determines whether a portafilter is pressurized or non-pressurized. In fact, without the baskets, all portafilters are not pressurized. When you insert a pressurized basket, the portafilter becomes a pressurized portafilter.

There are three types of espresso portafilter baskets: pressurized baskets, non-pressurized baskets, and blind baskets.

Key Differences between Pressurized and Non-Pressurized Filter Baskets

Pressurized Portafilter BasketNonpressurized Portafilter Basket
Has two walls. The inner wall has multiple holes and the external wall has a single tiny holeHas one wall with multiple holes
Builds high backpressure inside the basket for a consistent extractionUses the coffee puck to build backpressure for coffee extraction
Makes up for inconsistencies in the coffee puck with pressureRequires a perfect coffee puck to build consistent pressure
Beginner-friendlyRequires proper technique to pull good coffee
Tamping is not necessaryProper tamping is necessary for sufficient backpressure
A summary of the key differences between pressurized and nonpressurized filter baskets

Pressurized Filter Baskets

Pressurized or dual-walled filter baskets have two walls. The inner wall has numerous tiny holes whereas the outer wall has one tiny hole. This creates resistance to the flow of water so that the hot water has more time of contact with the coffee puck to make espresso.

The build-up of pressure causes coffee to flow through the small hole on the second wall under pressure.

Pressurized portafilter baskets are common in cheaper, entry-level espresso machines that can not generate enough pressure. These machines rely on the pressurized filter baskets to compensate for the inadequate pressure to extract an espresso shot.

Pressurized filter baskets aid in masking puck inconsistencies when pulling espresso. The baskets build enough resistance to make up for poor grind size, and poor dosing and tamping to extract a consistent espresso.

Double-walled baskets are also useful when using coffee beans and grounds that are past their prime.

We recommend pairing pressurized filter baskets with spouted portafilters because the spouted filters break the flow of the espresso and minimize splashing. Avoid pairing them with naked portafilters as they will splash coffee all over.

When To Use a Pressurized Filter Basket

We recommend using pressurized portafilter baskets in the case of the following scenarios:

  1. When using pre-ground coffee such that you have no control over the size of the grounds
  2. When using an inefficient grinder or coarse grounds that can not build sufficient pressure for optimum extraction. A fine grind size is not ideal for pressurized baskets as it can build extreme pressure.
  3. When using espresso machines that are not able to build enough pressure to pull good espresso
  4. For beginners who are still learning and experimenting with coffee grind size and tamping techniques. Here is an interesting read for beginners about factors that influence espresso quality.
  5. When you can not tamp properly due to an inefficient tamper. Pressurized baskets do not need tamping

Are Pressurized Portafilters Good for Coffee?

Pressurized portafilters make fake crema which dissipates fast. In addition, although they are beginner-friendly, they limit you from detecting extraction problems and coffee puck inconsistencies. This delays your learning and improvement process.

Non-pressurized Filter Baskets (Regular)

Non-pressurized portafilter baskets have a single wall with multiple tiny holes through which coffee flows. They use the coffee puck to build back pressure when extracting espresso.

Therefore, non-pressurized baskets require a perfect grind size and a consistent puck to pull a good shot of espresso.

Non-pressurized filter baskets are also known as single-walled or regular espresso baskets.

Single-walled baskets are ideal for freshly ground coffee and espresso coffee makers that generate high pressure for espresso extraction. Also, ensure that your grinder is capable of grinding an espresso grind size when using regular baskets.

You can use non-pressurized baskets with both spouted and bottomless portafilters.

A video that demonstrates the difference between pressurized and non-pressurized filter baskets

Blind Baskets

Blind baskets have no holes and are useful when performing a backflush on the group head of your espresso machine to clean the mesh screen.

portafilter basket with no holes is used for cleaning the group head assembly

Portafilter Basket Sizes

The size of portafilter baskets varies in diameter and depth. The most common, and often the standard, size for commercial filter baskets is 58 mm in diameter.

51 mm, 53 mm, and 57 mm espresso basket sizes are more common with home espresso machines. Still, you can find home espresso makers that use 58 mm portafilters and baskets such as the calphalon espresso machine.

The smaller baskets are deeper than the wider baskets.

Currently, the jury is divided as to the best size of portafilters. Most espresso experts prefer 58 mm portafilters. However, some people opine that the smaller portafilters that are deeper are easier to level tamp with a deep tamper and they are also more forgiving when channeling occurs.

The size of a filter basket depends on the diameter of the portafilter and, most importantly, the diameter group head of the espresso maker.

The type of espresso machine dictates the size of portafilters, filter baskets, and the tamper that you use.

Are Portafilter Baskets Interchangeable?

Yes, you can swap portafilter baskets so long as they are the same size as the portafilter. This means that you can replace the filter baskets of an espresso maker with similar-sized baskets of a different espresso maker.

However, unlike the baskets, portafilters are not interchangeable between different espresso machine brands and sometimes even within the same brand as the thickness of the rims and ears is different. The positioning of the ears on the portafilter is also different among the portafilters.

When replacing portafilter baskets, take into account the type of portafilter at your disposal and pair it with the right basket.

Ridged vs Ridgeless Filter Basket

A ridged portafilter basket has a groove that runs around the basket and snugs on the portafilter. The ridge prevents the basket from falling off when tapping coffee pucks from the portafilter.

The main drawback to ridged baskets is that used grounds tend to stick in the ridge and are stubborn to remove. You have to rinse with water or use a nylon brush to clean the ridges every time you make espresso with a ridged basket.

Ridgeless baskets have no groove and provide a cleaner finish when removing pucks from the basket. However, ridgeless baskets tend to fall easily from the basket when knocking the old pucks out.

Wrap Up

There is a place for both pressurized and non-pressurized filter baskets in espresso machines. Pressurized baskets are ideal when an espresso machine can not generate enough pressure or there are inconsistencies in the ground coffee.

Pressurized baskets are also beginner-friendly when experimenting with different grind sizes and distribution and tamping techniques. However, they can delay your progress if you stick to them.

See this post about espresso distribution techniques.

The main drawback to pressurized filter baskets is that they yield a bloated crema that tends to dissipate pretty fast. Pressurized baskets should be used in spouted portafilters to break the flow of the coffee and minimize spraying.

Non-pressurized portafilter baskets are single-walled and they produce the best crema when the espresso is pulled correctly. However, they are less forgiving when the puck is inconsistent or the espresso maker can not generate sufficient pressure.

Although the spent coffee pucks fall off much easier from a ridgeless portafilter basket than a ridged basket, ridgeless baskets fall easily when knocking the pucks out. 

FAQs About Espresso Filter Baskets

What is a pressurized portafilter?

A pressurized portafilter is simply a portafilter that uses a dual-walled filter basket to create sufficient pressure for espresso extraction. The portafilter itself without the basket is a regular portafilter. It’s the double-walled basket that makes it a pressurized portafilter.

Can I use a non-pressurized basket in a pressurized portafilter?

Yes, you can use a non-pressurized basket in a pressurized portafilter so long as it fits. Simply replace the pressurized filter with the non-pressurized one and voila! You are good to go.


Patrick is first a coffee lover and then a trained barista. His bucket list includes sky diving and sipping on Java in the Himalayas.

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