4 Reasons Why Coffee Gives You Diarrhea

Why does coffee give you diarrhea?

Coffee has numerous social, cultural, and health benefits. A cup of coffee is not only hydrating but is also packed with antioxidants that promote your well-being.

The most popular benefit of coffee is its picking-up effect. Progressively, coffee has become a choice drink during social interactions across the world.

Still, there are risks associated with drinking coffee. People suffering from stomach problems such as GERD issues are likely to worsen such problems by drinking coffee. Coffee may also cause diarrhea.

In this post, we will discuss why coffee may give you the runs and home remedies for coffee diarrhea.

Why Does Coffee Give Me Diarrhea?

The four main reasons why coffee causes diarrhea are

  • caffeine hastens gut muscle contractions that rapidly move liquids and food through the stomach
  • IBS patients may suffer gastrocolic reflex from drinking coffee
  • coffee helps to increase gastric acid which helps digestion and can trigger diarrhea
  • dairy products in coffee are known to cause diarrhea in lactose-intolerant persons

Ultimately, the risk of coffee causing the trots depends on factors such as how much coffee you have consumed, the acidity level, and the caffeine content of the coffee. The presence of underlying health issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and intolerance to dairy and acids in coffee will also come into play.

Let’s take a deeper dive into the reasons why you may suffer diarrhea from drinking coffee

1. Caffeine is a Natural Gastrointestinal Stimulant that Can Cause Diarrhea

Although caffeine is generally safe in the recommended amounts, drinking lots of coffee within a short time span can cause loose and watery stools.

Caffeine has gastrointestinal stimulation properties. Caffeine speeds the contraction of the muscles in your gut. These contractions move the liquids and food particles in the digestive tract. When the transactions are sped up, food moves rapidly through the gut leading to diarrhea. [Source]

When you consume large amounts of coffee, the caffeine can excessively stimulate gut motility and lead to loose, watery stools.

Drinking decaffeinated coffee can eliminate the issue of gastrointestinal stimulation and reduce the chances of suffering diarrhea from drinking coffee unless you have underlying health issues.

2. Drinking Coffee Can Cause Diarrhea in IBS Patients

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition of the digestive system that manifests itself in the form of symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal cramps.

A person with irritable bowel can suffer severe gastrocolic reflex when they drink coffee, especially when paired with a snack. Gastrocolic reflex occurs physiologically when the act of eating or drinking spurs movement in the digestive tract. This can lead to IBS symptoms such as diarrhea and stomach pain.

3. Coffee Increases Stomach Acid Which Improves Digestion and Can Trigger Diarrhea

The caffeine and chlorogenic acids in coffee stimulate your body to produce gastrin, a hormone that enhances the secretion of stomach acid. Stomach/gastric acid aids to break down food into minute particles for easier digestion.

Therefore, by spurring increasing gastric acid, coffee helps to speed up the breakdown of food particles and digestion which can trigger the runs.

Drinking low-acid decaf coffee can reduce this problem. Here are some choices of instant coffee with reduced acidity.

4. Intolerance to the Add-Ons in Coffee Can Cause Diarrhea

Did you know that approximately 68 percent of the global population suffers lactose malabsorption?

Coffee add-ons that have dairy as milk, coffee creamers, heavy cream, and half-and-half can trigger diarrhea in people with lactose intolerance.

Unknown to most people, other add-ons such as coffee toppings and flavoring sauces may contain dairy and can have adverse effects such as the trots in people with dairy problems.

Before asking for a swirl of whipped cream, sprinkles, or drizzled sauce on your coffee, you may want to check whether it has dairy, especially if your stomach is intolerant to dairy.

Home Remedies for Coffee Diarrhea

  • stop taking coffee to avoid worsening the problem even as you pursue other remedies
  • hydrate by drinking plenty of healthy fluids that have no caffeine, alcohol, or carbonation. Filtered or bottled water, electrolyte water, and broth are excellent drinks when suffering diarrhea
  • observe a bland diet such as saltine crackers, bananas, boiled potatoes, and rice that will not upset your stomach
  • have enough rest and avoid strenuous activities to avoid dehydration
  • avoid spicy and fried foods as they can irritate your gut
  • avoid artificial sweeteners and sugar foods as they can worsen diarrhea
  • avoid high-fiber food such as nuts, and whole grains as they will burden the already suffering digestive system
  • avoid dairy, especially if you are intolerant to it

When to See a Doctor for Coffee Diarrhea

Generally, coffee diarrhea is not common and it usually stops when you stop taking coffee or the add-on that is causing it.

However, you should see a doctor if the following occurs

  • If diarrhea is accompanied by symptoms such as severe headaches, bloody stool, or a fever that is above 102 F (39 C). Other symptoms include dizziness and severe stomach pain
  • If diarrhea persists or becomes severe, consult a doctor to avoid severe dehydration and other complications
  • Mayo Clinic advises visiting a doctor if diarrhea does not improve after two days

Final Thoughts About Coffee Diarrhea

Although it’s not a common occurrence, coffee can cause diarrhea by increasing gastric acid and stimulating gut motility which aids digestion and bowel movement respectively.

Coffee can also trigger a severe gastrocolic reflex in people with irritable bowels and lead to diarrhea. People with lactose intolerance can suffer diarrhea from drinking coffee that has dairy add-ons.

The first remedy for diarrhea from drinking coffee is to stop taking coffee. Keep yourself hydrated with non-alcoholic and caffeine-free drinks and eat bland foods as part of your home remedy.

Consult a doctor if diarrhea does not improve in two days since its onset or if you are suffering other severe symptoms such as dizziness, fever, or bloody stools.


Patrick is first a coffee lover and then a trained barista. His bucket list includes sky diving and sipping on Java in the Himalayas.

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